Welcome to Simpliform
Simpliform is a vehicle for simplicity in creativity. Our aim is to evolve and resolve. Simpliform's design process is centred on improvement through gradual iteration. To quote Hans Hoffmann, we seek to "eliminate the unnecessary so the necessary may speak".
As providers of tangible solutions, we have chosen to immerse ourselves in the world of form, of tangible “stuff”. We have both a respect for it and a growing caution of it.
As providers of tangible solutions, we have chosen to immerse ourselves in the world of form, of tangible “stuff”. We have both a respect for it and a growing caution of it.
Our path to this point has been inspired by forms, objects, sounds and flavours. And as our senses are increasingly stimulated, often involuntarily, we find ourselves drawn towards space, silence, peace, to lack and to absence. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the essential functionality in the simplest possible form; to eliminate ornamentation so we can be left to enjoy the harmony of unadorned function; and to do with less what was once done with more?
Welcome to Simpliform.
Please feel free to let us know how we can improve.
Please feel free to let us know how we can improve.
less is more definitely more
reject needless ornamentation
simplicity and function
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